The stern person with the cracked face. That stiff jaw jutting outward. Through the eyes we can see no clear thoughts. A heavy resentment that their world did not treat them better. Impossible to change thee. Only to see it, take it in. It’s us. All of us. Not constant. Yet us.
The three legged dog. run’n, jump’n and with an incredible case of the wiggles. This dog does not ask for pity. This dog looks up to us. Wants to know what’s next. Head tilted it says. Where should we go, what should we do? Why are we waiting?
I would if my storyboards were anywhere near that good. Mine are not beautiful but they do the trick for helping me to remember exactly how I pictured every shot & the movement from shot to shot.
マーベル・スタジオ制作のMCU(マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース)のアニメ「ホワット・イフ…?」の脚本を担当したA.C.ブラッドリーさんがYoutube番組 The GOAT Movie Podcast に登場し、本作の開発にはかなりの時間を要したことを振り返り、その中で4話に登場した「絶対点」という概念について言及しました。