マーベル・コミックは1970年代のコミックシリーズ「GODZILLA KING OF MONSTERS」の復刻版として「GODZILLA #1 FACSIMILE EDITION」と「GODZILLA: THE ORIGINAL MARVEL YEARS OMNIBUS」が発売される事を記念して、2024年9月発売予定のコミックのヴァリアントカバーとしてゴジラコラボを実施する事を発表しました。
View some of the covers and their select issues coming this September! ⬇️ https://t.co/wsCZDXIwod
‘NOVA’ will be about an ensemble of young leads, a showrunner has already been hired and an offer is already out to an actor for the lead role, most likely for Richard Rider
“The MCU has knocked on my door and it’s a role you won’t predict. It will be teased and there will be a series afterwards.” #phxfanfusionpic.twitter.com/RF5yjcHaqm
Someone mentioned Giancarlo would be an excellent Dr. Doom in the Fantastic Four film. Giancarlo talks about talking it into existence and making yourself believe in it. Hmmm… #phxfanfusionpic.twitter.com/cA3XKfyPfw