MCU(マーベル・シネマティック・ユニバース)の28番目の作品、映画「シャン・チー」(原題: Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings )のデスティン・ダニエル・クレットン監督が、先日、新型コロナウイルスの検査のために撮影を一時中断しました。
Last Friday, I decided to be tested for the Corona virus. I was working in close proximity with some people who had potentially been exposed, and because Nik and I have a newborn at home, I wanted to be as safe as possible. During my weekend of isolation away from my family, I had a lot of time to ponder this interesting moment in history that our second child was born into, a time full of opinions and division, where scientific truths are debated and brushed off as political spins. But in the midst of this storm, while staring up at a spot on my hotel ceiling that I swear looked exactly like a bunny, I could see something really quite beautiful happening. People all around the world are beginning to realize how connected we are, how vulnerable we are, how much we need each other to survive. I am happy to say that my test came back negative, but I will continue to be even more careful in the days ahead. Because if you believe in good science, and I do, we still have a mountain to climb together. No matter what you believe or how serious you think this problem is, please err on the side of safety and concern for those more vulnerable than you, and remember that having no symptoms doesn’t mean you’re not a carrier. Please stay hopeful, please stay humble, please stay home. Social distancing is an act of love for yourself, your family, and for every person on this planet. Sending all of you our love from Sydney, Australia.
Destin Cretton(@destindaniel)がシェアした投稿 –

ソース:Marvel’s ‘Shang-Chi’ Temporarily Suspends Production as Director Self-Isolates (Exclusive)